For all your Fancy Dress Needs

To remove these images and replace them with your own just select the image and then copy and paste in your own images within the eBay editor.
Product Name Here
Product Description

This is where the products description goes. Do not worry about writing too much as the box will automatically expand downwards as your add more content.

You can simply copy and paste images into this template directly through the ebay description box in the eBay editor.

You do not need HTML knowledge to use our templates. You do not need any software and there are not any programs to install either.

Our templates are written so well that all you need to do is paste the special coding directly into the eBay description and you can edit your template including any of the wording within the template very easily!

Full easy installation instructions are provided to you when you purchase this template.


Delivery & Shipping

In this box we recommend putting information about your delivery charges to your country and how much delivery is to Europe and the rest of the world.

It is very important to let your customers know how much delivery is. When you purchase this template delivery is usually within 6 hours directly to your email address . (If we are in the office we normally get this to you within 1 hour of payment though.)

There are no programs to install and you need no HTML knowledge. Our templates are designed and coded by our expert team based in the UK. We work full time to give our customers the best templates at the best prices possible!

All text in this box is editable and you can easily add images into this box too by copy and pasting them from your location on theinternet.


Returns Policy and General Terms & Conditions

You would usually use this box to outline any terms and conditions of the sale and also to outline your returns policy clearly sopotential customers understand all the conditions and policies when buying from you.

Did you know that over 67% of eBay users preferred a returns policy in a sellers ebay listing.

You do not have to use this as a returns policy. You have full control over this eBay template directly from the eBay editor in eBay when you sell your item.

You can write whatever you like in this box as it will automatically expand downwards as you add more writing or content.

Happy eBaying!